The Second Jungle Book

by Rudyard Kipling

Description:  Continues the story of Mowgli begun in The Jungle Book with happenings in the time of Mowgli's maturity, when he shows increasing wisdom in helping to rescue his birth-parents, disposing of an ill-fated weapon, and leading the Jungle People in their rout of the Red Dogs. The last Mowgli story ends with his leaving the Jungle People to return to his own. Three other stories are interspersed among the Mowgli stories, two of them about villages in dire circumstances saved through the efforts of extraordinary individuals.

Additional information:

Ages:  8-12
Format:  Ebook
Illustrations:  Black and white
Year published:  2013
ISBN:  978-1-59915-953-9
Genres:  Literature, Fiction

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Table of Contents

1. How Fear Came
2. The Law of the Jungle
3. The Miracle of Purun Bhagat
4. A Song of Kabir
5. Letting in the Jungle
6. Mowgli's Song against People
7. The Undertakers
8. A Ripple-song

9. The King's Ankus
10. The Song of the Little Hunter
11. Quiquern
12. "Angutivun Tina"
13. Red Dog
14. Chil's Song
15. The Spring Running
16. The Outsong

An Inside View...

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