The Oxford Book of English Verse, Part 2
by Arthur Quiller-Couch
Description: This second part of The Oxford Book of English Verse introduces the reader to Shakespeare, his contemporaries, and the writers of the generation that followed. Especially noteworthy are the riches of the Bard himself, the bluff certainties of Ben Jonson, Robert Herrick’s lyricism, and the contrasting devotional poems of John Donne and George Herbert, though golden lines are plentiful throughout this work. Readers may quite possibly discover that this is their favorite period in English poetry, as many others have before them.
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Table of Contents
1. Silvia
2. The Blossom
3. Spring and Winter: First Part
4. Spring and Winter: Second Part
5. Fairy Land I
6. Fairy Land II
7. Fairy Land III
8. Fairy Land IV
9. Fairy Land V
10. Love
11. Sweet-and-Twenty
12. Dirge
13. Under the Greenwood Tree
14. Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind
15. It Was a Lover and His Lass
16. Take, O Take Those Lips Away
17. Aubade
18. Fidele
19. Bridal Song
20. Dirge of the Three Queens
21. Orpheus
22. The Phoenix and Turtle
23. Sonnet XVIII
24. Sonnet XXIX
25. Sonnet XXX
26. Sonnet XXXI
27. Sonnet LIII
28. Sonnet LIV
29. Sonnet LVII
30. Sonnet LXXIII
31. Sonnet LXXXVII
32. Sonnet XC
33. Sonnet XCIV
34. Sonnet XCVII
35. Sonnet XXX
36. Sonnet XXXI
37. Sonnet LIII
38. Sonnet LIV
39. Sonnet LVII
40. Sonnet LXXIII
41. Sonnet LXXXVII
42. Sonnet XC
43. Sonnet XCIV
44. Sonnet XCVII
45. Sonnet XCVIII
46. Sonnet CII
47. Sonnet CIV
48. Sonnet CVI
49. Sonnet CIX
50. Sonnet CXVI
51. Sonnet CXXIX
52. Sonnet CXLVI
53. Lullaby
54. Spring
55. In Time of Pestilence
56. Cherry-Ripe
57. Laura
58. Devotion I
59. Devotion II
60. Vobiscum Est Iope
61. A Hymn in Praise of Neptune
62. Winter Nights
63. Integer Vitae
64. O Come Quickly!
65. A Nosegay
66. Elizabeth of Bohemia
67. The Character of a Happy Life
68. Upon the Death of Sir Albert Morton's Wife
69. Man
70. To His Forsaken Mistress
71. To an Inconstant One
72. Hymn to Diana
73. To Celia
74. Simplex Munditiis
75. The Shadow
76. The Triumph
77. An Elegy
78. A Farewell to the World
79. The Noble Balm
80. Epitaph I: On Elizabeth L. H.
81. Epitaph II: On Salathiel Pavy
82. A Part of an Ode
83. Daybreak
84. Song
85. Ode
86. The Ecstasy
87. The Dream
88. The Funeral
89. A Hymn to God the Father
90. Death
91. Philomel
92. Sweet Content
93. Matin Song
94. The Message
95. Sleep
96. Bridal Song
97. Aspatia's Song
98. Hymn to Pan
99. Away, Delights!
100. Love's Emblems
101. Hear, Ye Ladies
102. God Lyaeus
103. Beauty Clear and Fair
104. Melancholy
105. Weep No More
106. A Dirge
107. The Shrouding of the Dutchess of Malfi
108. Vanitas Vanitatum
109. Aurora
110. A Litany
111. Of His Dear Son, Gervase
112. Invocation
113. Madrigal
114. Spring Bereaved I
115. Spring Bereaved II
116. Spring Bereaved III
117. Her Passing
118. Inexorable
119. Change Should Breed Change
120. Saint John Baptist
121. Wooing Song
122. On the Tombs in Westminster Abbey
123. Dawn
124. I Loved a Lass
125. The Lover's Resolution
126. The Choice
127. A Widow's Hymn
128. A Welcome
129. The Sirens' Song
130. The Rose
131. Song
132. Memory
133. Epitaph I: In Obitum M. S.
134. Epitaph II: On the Countess Dowager of Pembroke
135. Corinna's Going a-Maying
136. To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time
137. To the Western Wind
138. To Electra
139. To Violets
140. To Daffodils
141. To Blossoms
142. The Primrose
143. The Funeral Rites of the Rose
144. Cherry-Ripe
145. A Meditation for His Mistress
146. Delight in Disorder
147. Upon Julia's Clothes
148. The Bracelet: To Julia
149. To Daisies, Not To Shut So Soon
150. The Night-Piece: To Julia
151. To Music, To Becalm His Fever
152. To Dianeme
153. To Oenone
154. To Anthea, Who May Command Him Anything
155. To the Willow-Tree
156. The Mad Maid's Song
157. Comfort to a Youth That Had Lost His Love
158. To Meadows
159. A Child's Grace
160. Epitaph
161. Another
162. His Winding-Sheet
163. Litany to the Holy Spirit
164. A Divine Rapture
165. Epigram: Respice Finem
166. A Contemplation Upon Flowers
167. A Renunciation
168. Exequy on His Wife
169. Virtue
170. Easter
171. Discipline
172. A Dialogue
173. The Pulley
174. Love
175. A Hymn
176. Death the Leveller
177. Song
178. Persuasions to Joy: A Song
179. To His Inconstant Mistress
180. The Unfading Beauty
181. Ingrateful Beauty Threatened
182. Epitaph
183. Another
184. Time
185. To Roses in the Bosom of Castara
186. Nox Nocti Indicat Scientiam
187. A Devout Lover
188. An Ode to Master Anthony Stafford
189. Aubade
190. To a Mistress Dying
191. Praise and Prayer
192. On a Girdle
193. Go, Lovely Rose
194. Old Age
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