The Joyous Travelers
by Maud Lindsay

Description: One May day in an inn on the King’s Highway, a number of travelers meet, and discovering that they are going in the same direction, they decide to continue the journey together. A Squire and his little son are among the party, and to amuse the boy, it is agreed each time they stop to rest, one of their number will tell a tale. And marvelous tales they tell! Mysterious smiths, royal riddles, wishing wells and ancient harpers chase one another through these pages, stirring the heart, and lingering in the imagination long after the last story reaches its end. Highly recommended.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. The Squire's Little Son
3. The Nurse
4. The Wishing-Well
5. The Chapman
6. The Boy and the Blacksmith
7. The Older Sister
8. The Clever Shepherdess
9. The Aunt
10. The Two Companions
11. The Farmer
12. Gaffer Wiseman's Choice
13. The Farmer's Daughter
14. Pretty Is As Pretty Does
15. Music: Song of Farmer's Daughter
16. The Scholar
17. The Merry Clown
18. The Scholar His Wand
19. The Little Cripple
20. The Squire's Lady
21. The Three Sons
22. By the Wayside
23. Lady Cicely Went A-Maying
24. Music: Lady Cicely's Song
25. The Chapman His Return
26. Barnaby's Goose
27. The Younger Sister
28. Lucy on May Morning
29. The Young Lord's Servant
30. Master Fox
31. The Scotch Maid
32. Olaf of the Golden Harp
33. The Young Lord
34. The Queen's Tree
35. The Squire
36. The Wonder-Horse
37. Farewell
An Inside View...

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