The First Book of Birds

by Olive Thorne Miller

Description:  An engaging introduction to bird-life, calculated to interest children in birds by a colorful account of their habits of eating, sleeping, nesting, and so forth. Illustrative anecdotes, many from personal observation, enliven the narrative, as do suggestions for attracting birds and beginning a study of them.

Additional information:

Ages:  9-11
Format:  Ebook
Illustrations:  Black and white, color
Year published:  2014
ISBN:  978-1-59915-841-9
Genres:  Nature History, Nature Study

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Table of Contents

1. What You Want To Know
2. When They Come in the Spring
3. The Bird's Home
4. The Baby Bird
5. How He Is Fed
6. The First Suit
7. How He Changes His Clothes
8. His First Flight
9. His Education
10. Some of His Lessons
11. The Bird's Language
12. What He Eats
13. More about His Food
14. Where He Sleeps
15. His Travels
16. His Winter Home

17. His Family and Friends
18. His Kindness to Others
19. His Affections
20. His Intelligence
21. His Body
22. His Beak and Tongue
23. His Eyes and Ears
24. His Feet and Legs
25. His Wings and Tail
26. His Dress
27. Different Colored Suits
28. How He Works for Us
29. How To Attract Him about Our Homes
30. How To Study Him
31. Points To Observe

An Inside View...

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