The Discovery of New Worlds

by M. B. Synge

Description:  Book II of the Story of the World series. Relates the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, the middle ages in Europe, the rise of Islam and the Crusades, and  finally the age of exploration, and the establishment of trade with the Far East. The book concludes with the discoveries of Columbus and the Spanish  settlements in the New World.

Additional information:

Ages:  10-18
Length:  238 pages
Format:  Paperback, Ebook
Illustrations:  Black and white
Year published:  2006
ISBN:  978-1-59915-014-7
Genres:  History, World History

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Table of Contents

1. The Roman World
2. A Great World Power 
3. Voyage and Shipwreck 
4. The Tragedy of Nero 
5. The Great Fire in Rome 
6. The Destruction of Pompeii 
7. Marcus Aurelius 
8. Decline of the Roman Empire 
9. Christians to the Lions 
10. A New Rome 
11. The Armies of the North 
12. The Dark Ages 
13. King Arthur and His Knights 
14. The Hero of Two Nations 
15. The Hardy Northmen 
16. How the Northmen Conquered England 
17. A Spanish Hero 
18. The First Crusade 
19. Frederick Barbarossa 
20. The Third Crusade 
21. The Days of Chivalry 
22. Queen of the Adriatic 
23. The Story of Marco Polo 
24. Dante's Great Poem 
25. The Maid of Orleans 

26. The Sea of Darkness
27. Prince Henry, the Sailor 
28. A Famous Voyage 
29. The Invention of Printing 
30. The Stormy Cape 
31. Vasco da Gama's Great Voyage 
32. India at Last 
33. The New Trade-Route 
34. Golden Goa 
35. Christopher Columbus 
36. The Last of the Moors 
37. Discovery of the New World 
38. The West Indies 
39. Columbus in Chains 
40. A Great Mistake 
41. Follow the Leader 
42. Discovery of the Pacific 
43. Magellan's Great Plan 
44. Magellan's Straits 
45. Round the World 
46. The Finding of Mexico 
47. Montezuma 
48. Siege and Fall of Mexico 
49. Conquest of Peru 
50. A Great Awakening

An Inside View...

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