The Call of the Wild
by Jack London

Description: A magnificent dog, stolen from a comfortable home for use as a husky in the Klondike, develops, through his varied life on the team and among men, a remarkable sense of responsibility and an unbounded capacity for love and hate. Upon the death of his master, his only friend, he responds to the call of the wild and becomes one of a great wolf pack. A powerful story, vivid in background and dramatic in incident.
Additional information:
Ages: 12-18
Format: Ebook
Illustrations: Black and white, color
Year published: 2014
ISBN: 978-1-59915-851-8
Genres: Literature, Fiction
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Table of Contents
1. Into the Primitive
2. The Law of Club and Fang
3. The Dominant Primordial Beast
4. Who Has Won to Mastership
5. The Toil of Trace and Trail
6. For the Love of a Man
7. The Sounding of the Call
An Inside View...

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