The Adventures of Grandfather Frog
by Thornton W. Burgess
Description: After Old Mr. Toad pays a visit to the Smiling Pool, Grandfather Frog decides to venture out and see the world. But the world is full of more adventures and dangers than Grandfather Frog had bargained for, and with the help of some of his animal friends, it is all Grandfather Frog can do to make it back!
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Table of Contents
1. Billy Mink Finds Little Joe Otter
2. Longlegs the Blue Heron Receives Callers
3. Longlegs Visits the Smiling Pool
4. The Patience of Longlegs the Blue Heron
5. Grandfather Frog Jumps Just in Time
6. Longlegs and Whitetail Quarrel
7. Grandfather Frog's Big Mouth Gets Him in Trouble
8. Spotty the Turtle Plays Doctor
9. Old Mr. Toad Visits Grandfather Frog
10. Grandfather Frog Starts Out to See the Great World
11. Grandfather Frog Is Stubborn
12. Grandfather Frog Keeps On
13. Danny Meadow Mouse Feels Responsible
14. Grandfather Frog Has a Strange Ride
15. Grandfather Frog Gives Up Hope
16. The Merry Little Breezes Work Hard
17. Striped Chipmunk Cuts the String
18. Grandfather Frog Hurries Away
19. Grandfather Frog Jumps into More Trouble
20. Grandfather Frog Loses Heart
21. The Merry Little Breezes Comfort Grandfather Frog
22. Grandfather Frog's Troubles Grow
23. The Dear Old Smiling Pool Once More
An Inside View...
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