School of the Woods
by William J. Long
Description: Through vivid depictions of a dozen family groupings, the author demonstrates that mother animals and birds often train their young in order to supplement their natural instincts. The deer and her fawns, the black bear and her cubs, the fishhawk and her nestlings, the keen-eyed heron, the stupid porcupine, and the mighty moose are some of the animals whose teachings are described in this book.
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Table of Contents
1. On the Way to School
2. What the Fawns Must Know
3. A Cry in the Night
4. Ismaques the Fishhawk
5. A School for Little Fishermen
6. The Partridges' Roll Call
7. When You Meet a Bear
8. Quoskh the Keen Eyed
9. Unk Wunk the Porcupine
10. A Lazy Fellow's Fun
11. Umquenawis the Mighty
12. At the Sound of the Trumpet
13. The Gladsome Life
14. How the Animals Die
An Inside View...

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