by Harriette Taylor Treadwell
Description: Second volume in the series of Reading-Literature readers, whose purpose is to train children in reading and appreciating literature through the reading of literature. Contains thirteen of the best folk tales, of gradually increasing difficulty, and 33 of the best rhymes and jingles suitable for young children. Includes The Three Little Pigs, The Cat and the Mouse, The Bremen Band, The Straw Ox, The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, Little Two Eyes, Little Half Chick, The Fisherman and His Wife, The Sheep and the Pig and others. Attractive black and white illustrations are appealing to children.
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Table of Contents
1. The Three Little Pigs
2. The Cat and the Mouse
3. Group of Mother Goose Rhymes
4. The Bremen Band
5. Wee Robin's Christmas Song
6. The Straw Ox
7. The Boy and the Fox
8. Group of Christina G. Rossetti's Poems
9. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
10. Little Two Eyes
11. Little Half Chick
12. Another Group of Mother Goose Rhymes
13. Little Topknot
14. The Fisherman and His Wife
15. The Lad and the North Wind
16. The Sheep and the Pig
17. Group of Poems
An Inside View...
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