Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades

by Ednah Anne Rich

Description: This series of 60 models is carefully arranged with regard to form, proportion, measurements, and construction. Through the construction work, observation is quickened. Eyes are trained to see right lines and distances, thus aiding in free-hand drawing and writing, while the hand and wrist muscles, being used for a definite purpose, unconsciously become obedient assistants. 8.5 x 11 inches.

Additional information:

Ages:  6-12
Length:  77 pages
Format:  Paperback
Illustrations: Black and white
Year published:  2017
ISBN:  978-1-63334-093-0
Genres:  Fine Arts, Drawing, Sloyd

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Table of Contents


1. Envelope
2. Wall Pocket
3. Picture Frame
4. Pinwheel
5. Scissors Case
6. Tray
7. Bookmark
8. Basket
9. Pencil Box
10. Fan
11. Bonbon Box
12. Book Cover
13. Book Sheets
14. Spool Basket

1. Key Tag
2. Stamp Book
3. Triangular Catch-All
4. Portfolio
5. Thread Winder
6. Match Scratcher
7. Handkerchief Box

8. Comb Holder
9. Folding Card Case
10. Envelope
11. Wall Pocket
12. Picture Frame
13. Ribbon Box
14. Pen Box

1. Pocket-Comb Case
2. Pyramidal Catch-All
3. Conical Flower Holder
4. Postal-Card Holder
5. Hexagonal Tray
6. Pin Cube
7. Whisk-Broom Holder
8. Measure
9. Calendar
10. Extension Envelope
11. Box with Cover
12. Round Frame
13. Blotting Pad
14. Twine Holder

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