Nature Books

Nature Stories

The Spark of Life 

by Margaret Warner Morley 

Outdoor Secrets 

by Margaret P. Boyle 


Among the Farmyard People

by Clara Dillingham Pierson 

Among the Forest People

by Clara Dillingham Pierson

Among the Meadow People

by Clara Dillingham Pierson

Among the Night People

by Clara Dillingham Pierson

Among the Pond People

by Clara Dillingham Pierson

Dooryard Stories

by Clara Dillingham Pierson

Wild Life in Woods and Fields

by Arabella B. Buckley

By Pond and River

by Arabella B. Buckley

Holiday Meadow 

by Edith M. Patch

Holiday Pond

by Edith M. Patch 

Holiday Hill

by Edith M. Patch 

Holiday Shore

by Edith M. Patch

Desert Neighbors

by Edith M. Patch

Prairie Neighbors

by Edith M. Patch

Forest Neighbors

by Edith M. Patch

Secrets of the Woods

by William J. Long

School of the Woods

by William J. Long 

Ways of Wood Folk 

by William J. Long 


Handbook of Nature Study: Birds 

by Anna B. Comstock

Birds of the Air

by Arabella B. Buckley


The Bee People

by Margaret Warner Morley

Insect Life

by Arabella B. Buckley

Hexapod Stories

by Edith M. Patch

Jack's Insects

by Edmund Selous

Handbook of Nature Study: Insects 

by Anna B. Comstock


Little Mitchell 

by Margaret Warner Morley


Tommy Smith's Animals

by Edmund Selous

Tommy Smith at the Zoo

by Edmund Selous

Wild Animals I Have Known

by Ernest Thompson Seton

Wild Animal Ways

by Ernest Thompson Seton

Life and Her Children

by Arabella B. Buckley

Winners in Life's Race

by Arabella B. Buckley


Plant Life in Field and Garden

by Arabella B. Buckley 


by Margaret Warner Morley

Little Wanderers

by Margaret Warner Morley

The Burgess Flower Book for Children 

by Thornton W. Burgess


Trees and Shrubs

by Arabella B. Buckley

Handbook of Nature Study: Trees 

by Anna B. Comstock

Nature Study Lessons

Nature’s Nurseries

by R. Cadwallader Smith


by Edith M. Patch


by Edith M. Patch

Nature Study Through the Year

Outdoor Visits

by Edith M. Patch

Through Four Seasons

by Edith M. Patch

Countryside Rambles

by W. S. Furneaux

A Nature Study Guide

by W. S. Furneaux

The Fall of the Year

by Dallas Lore Sharp 


by Dallas Lore Sharp 

The Spring of the Year

by Dallas Lore Sharp


by Dallas Lore Sharp

The Lay of the Land

by Dallas Lore Sharp 

The Living Year

by Richard Headstrom 

Handbook of Nature Study by Anna B. Comstock

Handbook of Nature Study: Introduction 

by Anna B. Comstock 

Handbook of Nature Study: Birds 

by Anna B. Comstock

Handbook of Nature Study: Fish 

by Anna B. Comstock 

Handbook of Nature Study: Reptiles 

by Anna B. Comstock

Handbook of Nature Study: Mammals 

by Anna B. Comstock

Handbook of Nature Study: Insects 

by Anna B. Comstock 

▽ indicates that the title is only available in ebook format.
