by J. Paterson Smyth

Description: This second volume in The Bible for School and Home series follows Moses from his infancy all the way to his passing, through the special training he received that prepared him to become the deliverer, leading the Israelites out of Egypt, and guiding them as they wandered in the wilderness.

Additional information:

Ages:  14-18
Length:  238 pages
Format:  Paperback, Ebook
Illustrations: None
Year published:  2017
ISBN:  978-1-59915-496-1
Genres:  Faith, Biblical Commentary

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction 
2. The Field of Zoan 
3. The Training of the Deliverer 
4. The Great Life Decision 
5. The Call of Moses 
6. The Return to Egypt 
7. The Contest with Pharaoh 
8. How Pharaoh's Heart Was Hardened 
9. The Night of Deliverance 
10. The Passover 
11. Crossing the Red Sea 
12. Manna 
13. At Mount Sinai 

14. How Moses Broke the Tables of Stone
15. The Glory of Moses and the Glory of God 
16. How They Built the Tabernacle 
17. Turned Back from the Promised Land 
18. Korah, Dathan and Abiram 
19. How Moses Sinned and Suffered 
20. Balaam—A Study of Conscience (Part I) 
21. Balaam—A Study of Conscience (Part II) 
22. The Three Great National Festivals 
23. The Loneliness of His Old Age 
24. Preparing for the End 
25. The Passing of Moses

An Inside View...

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