Master Skylark

by John Bennett

Description:  A Stratford lad, stolen away by the master-players of Lord Admiral's troupe of actors, is transported to London, where his singing charms even Queen Bess and wins for him the title Master Skylark. Through the twists and turns of an engaging plot in which Shakespeare himself plays a part, a vivid picture of life among the Elizabethan players emerges, furnishing context for subsequent reading of Shakespeare's plays.

Additional information:

Ages:  10-12
Format:  Paperback, Ebook
Illustrations:  Black and white (Paperback)
    Color and black and white (Ebook)
Year published:  2020
ISBN:  978-1-59915-413-8
Genres:  World History, Historical Fiction

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Table of Contents

1. The Lord Admiral's Players
2. Nicholas Attwood's Home
3. The Last Straw
4. Off for Coventry
5. In the Warwick Road
6. The Master-Player
7. "Well Sung, Master Skylark!"
8. The Admiral's Company
9. The May-Day Play
10. After the Play
11. Disowned
12. A Strange Ride
13. A Dash for Freedom
14. At Bay
15. London Town
16. Ma'm'selle Cicely Carew
17. Carew's Offer
18. Master Heywood Protests
19. The Rose Play-House
20. Disappointment

21. "The Children of Paul's"
22. The Skylark's Song
23. A New Life
24. The Making of a Player
25. The Waning of the Year
26. To Sing before the Queen
27. The Queen's Plaisance
28. Christmas with Queen Bess
29. Back to Gaston Carew
30. At the Falcon Inn
31. In the Twinkling of an Eye
32. The Last of Gaston Carew
33. Cicely Disappears
34. The Bandy-Legged Man
35. A Sudden Resolve
36. Wayfaring Home
37. Turned Adrift
38. A Strange Day
39. All's Well That Ends Well

An Inside View...

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