Lessons in Experimental and Practical Geometry

by H. S. Hall and F. H. Stevens

Description:  A short preliminary course of practical and experimental work in geometry to give the beginning student clear mental pictures of geometric objects and constructions. Early chapters introduce easy exercises in drawing to illustrate definitions, measurement of lines and angles, and the use of compasses and protractor. Next come problems on bisection, parallels, and perpendiculars, followed by the use of set squares and the construction of triangles and quadrilaterals. Problems are explained informally, with the results verified by measurement.

Additional information:

Ages:  13-16
Length:  129 pages
Format:  Paperback
Illustrations: Black and white 
Year published:  2023
ISBN:  978-1-63334-229-3
Genres:  Math

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Table of Contents

1. Solids, Surfaces, Lines
2. Measurement of Straight Lines
3. Straight Lines Continued
4. Circles
5. Angles
6. Angles Continued
7. Direction, Parallels
8. Perpendiculars

9. Triangles
10. Triangles Continued: Congruence and Practical Applications
11. Quadrilaterals
12. Areas
13. Miscellaneous Constructions, Circles, Regular Polygons
14. The Form of Some Solid Figures
15. Answers

An Inside View...

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