Jataka Tales

by Ellen C. Babbitt

Description:  Eighteen fables from the Jatakas of India, skillfully retold and attractively illustrated. Includes The Monkey and the Crocodile, The Merchant of Seri, The Turtle Who Wouldn’t Stop Talking, The Foolish Timid Rabbit, The Banyan Deer, and others.     $7.95

Additional information:

Ages:  7-10
Length:  76 pages
Format:  Paperback, Ebook
Illustrations:  Black and white
Year published:  2006
ISBN:  978-1-59915-065-9
Genres:  Literature, Indian Fables

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Table of Contents

1. The Monkey and the Crocodile
2. How the Turtle Saved His Own Life 
3. The Merchant of Seri 
4. The Turtle Who Could n't Stop Talking 
5. The Ox Who Won the Forfeit 
6. The Sandy Road 
7. The Quarrel of the Quails 
8. The Measure of Rice 
9. The Foolish, Timid Rabbit 

10. The Wise and Foolish Merchant
11. The Elephant Girly-face 
12. The Banyan Deer 
13. The Princes and the Water-Sprite 
14. The King's White Elephant 
15. The Ox Who Never Envied the Pig 
16. Grannie's Blackie 
17. The Crab and the Crane 
18. Why the Owl Is Not King of the Birds

An Inside View...

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