History Stories for Primary Grades
by John W. Wayland
Description: A collection of real history stories, simple enough for little children, that can be read to children early on, and later read by the child himself. The subjects have been chosen mainly from the history of the United States, but a few Old World stories have been included. The characters are few and distinct: there are women as well as men, girls as well as boys, in a variety of settings. A large number of these little stories have been especially adapted for use in connection with the various holidays and anniversaries that fall within the school year, and may be used in an order following the annual calendar rather than in the order in which they appear in the book. At the end of the book are supplementary notes for many of the stories that are addressed to the teacher. These supply additional information and make suggestions for activities in connection with the stories. Includes 27 illustrations by Maud and Miska Petersham.
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Table of Contents
1. The First Christmas Song
2. The First Easter Morning
3. The Girl Who Heard Voices
4. A Room Full of Gold
5. Baby Virginia
6. Squanto, the Corn-Planter
7. Thanksgiving Day
8. Washington’s Birthday
9. A Big Bell
10. Nancy Hart’s Dinner
11. Betsy Ross’s Needle
12. A White Horse
13. Planting a Tree
14. Yellow King Corn
15. White King Cotton
16. Black King Coal
17. Strong King Iron
18. Heavy King Gold
19. Chucky Jack and His Horse
20. Davy Crockett and the Bears
21. Alexander the Great
22. Charles the Great
23. Alfred the Great
24. Peter the Great
25. The Boy Who Dreamed
26. The Shepherd Boy and the Giant
27. The First Christmas Gift
28. Easter Candles
29. How a King Got Out of Prison
30. The Red Velvet Cloak
31. Finding a New World
32. The Mayflower and the Pilgrims
33. At the First Thanksgiving
34. Fishing with Fire
35. Horseshoes of Gold
36. Riding a Colt
37. Hatchets and Cherries
38. George Washington as a Schoolboy
39. Planting Thirteen Trees
40. A House on a Mountain
41. Robert Lee and His Mother
42. A Boy’s Boat-Ride
43. A Sweet Song
44. The Girl Who Gathered Barley
45. The King’s Christmas
46. Easter Lilies
47. Saint Valentine
48. Balboa’s Discovery
49. The Man Who Was Thirsty
50. Jamestown Day
51. Washington as a Surveyor
52. A City on a Rock
53. When New York City Had a Wall
54. When Chicago Was a Village
55. How Thanksgiving Grew
56. White Friends and Red Friends
57. A Famous Tree
58. The Tea Party at Boston
59. The Tea Party at Edenton
60. The First Fourth of July
61. Crossing the Delaware
62. Cynthia’s Cow
63. Opening the Golden Gate
64. The Star–Spangled Banner
65. The Boy and the Flag
66. A Cabin in Kentucky
67. The River That Runs Through a Mountain
68. The Cross on the Mountain
An Inside View...

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