Hauff's Fairy Tales
by Wilhelm Hauff
Description: A collection of the best of Hauff’s fairy tales selected from the three books of fairy tales he published just before his untimely death at age 24. Though writing at the same time as the Brothers Grimm, he did not collect his stories; rather he composed them using various sources in his grandfather’s library. Some of the stories are set in his native Germany, but most have an Oriental setting. A fine storyteller, Hauff holds the attention of his readers with his carefully crafted plots, alternating action with dialogue to build suspense.
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Table of Contents
1. The Tale of the Caliph Stork
2. The Tale of the Severed Hand
3. The Rescue of Fatme
4. The Tale of Little Muck
5. The Tale of the False Prince
6. The History of Orbasan, the Robber
7. The Sheik of Alexandria and His Slaves
8. Nose, the Dwarf
9. Abner, the Jew Who Saw Nothing
10. The Young Englishman
11. The Story of Almansor
12. The Legend of the Stag Florin
13. The Cold Heart—Part I
14. Saïd's Fate
15. Steenfoll Cave
16. The Cold Heart—Part II
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