Handbook of Nature Study: Wildflowers
by Anna B. Comstock

Description: After an introduction to plant study, section nine of Handbook of Nature Study profiles the woodland wildflowers that bloom in early spring, including hepatica, trillium, bloodroot, jack-in-the-pulpit, and violets. Next the summer flowers of open fields are presented, with special lessons for study of a composite flower and the study of a weed. The close examination of familiar flowers, such as goldenrod, milkweed, daisies, asters, and dandelions, deepens the reader's understanding of his local flora.
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Table of Contents
1. How To Begin the Study of Plants and Flowers
2. How To Make Plants Comfortable
3. How To Teach the Names of the Parts of a Flower
4. Teach the Use of a Flower
5. Flowers and Insect Partners
6. The Relation of Plants to Geography
7. Seed Germination
8. The Hepatica
9. The Yellow Adder's Tongue
10. Bloodroot
11. The Trillium
12. Dutchman's Breeches and Squirrel Corn
13. Jack-in-the-Pulpit
14. The Violet
15. The May Apple or Mandrake
16. The Bluets
17. The Yellow Lady's Slipper, or Moccasin Flower
18. The Common Buttercup
19. The Evening Primrose
20. The Hedge Bindweed
21. The Dodder
22. The Milkweed
23. The White Water Lily
24. Pondweed
25. The Cat-tail
26. A Type Lesson for a Composite Flower
27. The Goldenrod
28. The Asters
29. The White Daisy
30. The Yellow Daisy or Black-eyed Susan
31. The Thistle
32. The Burdock
33. Prickly Lettuce, A Compass Plant
34. The Dandelion
35. The Pearly Everlasting
36. The Jewelweed, or Touch-me-not
37. Mullein
38. The Teasel
39. Queen Anne's Lace, or Wild Carrot
40. Weeds
41. Outline for the Study of a Weed
An Inside View...

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