Handbook of Nature Study: Trees

by Anna B. Comstock

Description: The twelfth section of Handbook of Nature Study provides a thorough survey of the nature of trees, beginning with a general introduction to trees, outlining the parts of their structure and describing the ways that they grow. Readers learn how to make leaf prints and how to engage in tree study during all three seasons of the school year: autumn, winter, and spring. In the subsequent chapters, seventeen different trees or tree families are introduced with special focus on the apple tree.

Additional information:

Ages:  12-18
Format:  Ebook
Illustrations:  Black and white
Year Published:  2013
ISBN:  978-1-59915-615-6
Genres:  Natural History, Nature Studies

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Table of Contents

1. How a Tree Grows
2. How To Begin Tree Study 
3. How To Make Leaf Prints 
4. The Maples 
5. The American Elm 
6. The Oak 
7. The Shagbark Hickory 
8. The Chestnut 
9. The Horse-Chestnut 
10. The Willows 
11. The Cottonwood or Carolina Poplar 

12. The White Ash
13. The Apple Tree 
14. How an Apple Grows 
15. The Apple 
16. The Pine 
17. The Norway Spruce 
18. The Hemlock 
19. The Flowering Dogwood 
20. The Staghorn Sumac 
21. The Witch-Hazel 
22. The Mountain Laurel

An Inside View...

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