Handbook of Nature Study: Birds
by Anna B. Comstock
Description: The second section of Handbook of Nature Study introduces bird study by examining the features of a bird familiar to most children, the hen. The lessons encourage the reader to think how the body, wings, eyes, beak, feet, legs, and feathers of each bird are suited to protect it and to assist it in getting its living. Subsequent chapters feature familiar birds of field, forest, and stream, with questions that stimulate careful observation.
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Table of Contents
1. Bird Study
2. Feathers as Clothing
3. Feathers as Ornament
4. How Birds Fly
5. Eyes and Ears of Birds
6. The Form and Use of Beaks
7. The Feet of Birds
8. Chicken Ways
9. Pigeons
10. The Canary and the Goldfinch
11. The Robin
12. The Bluebird
13. The White-breasted Nuthatch
14. The Chickadee
15. The Downy Woodpecker
16. The Sapsucker
17. The Red-headed Woodpecker
18. The Flicker or Yellow-hammer
19. The Meadow-lark
20. The English Sparrow
21. The Chipping Sparrow
22. The Song Sparrow
23. The Mockingbird
24. The Catbird
25. The Belted Kingfisher
26. The Screech Owl
27. The Red Shouldered and Red Tailed Hawks
28. The Swallows and the Chimney Swift
29. The Hummingbird
30. The Red-winged Blackbird
31. The Baltimore Oriole
32. The Crow
33. The Cardinal Grosbeak
34. Geese
35. The Turkey
36. The Study of Birds' Nests in Winter
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