Great Inventors and Their Inventions
by Frank P. Bachman
Description: Twelve stories of great inventions, grouped under inventions of steam and electric power, inventions of manufacture and production, and inventions of printing and communication. The final chapter introduces the famous inventors of the early twentieth century. The story of each invention is interwoven with that of the life of its inventor. Through these stories the reader learns how big things are brought about, and on the traits of mind and heart which make for success.
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Table of Contents
1. James Watt and the Invention of the Steam Engine
2. Robert Fulton and the Invention of the Steamboat
3. George Stephenson & Invention of the Locomotive
4. Invention of the Electric Engine
5. The Invention of the Spinning Machines
6. Eli Whitney & the Invention of the Cotton Gin
7. Elias Howe & the Invention of the Sewing Machine
8. Cyrus H. McCormick and the Invention of the Reaper
9. Henry Bessemer and the Making of Steel
10. John Gutenberg and the Invention of Printing
11. Samuel F. B Morse & the Invention of the Telegraph
12. Alexander Graham Bell & Invention of the Telephone
13. Thomas A. Edison
14. Orville and Wilbur Wright
15. Guglielmo Marconi
16. John P. Holland
An Inside View...

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