First Lessons in Nature Study
by Edith M. Patch
Description: A delightful introduction to a variety of plants and animals, made especially interesting by the categories into which they are grouped. Readers will discover what plants provide sugar, which ones furnish fiber, and seven different ways plants have of dispersing their seeds. They will also meet many animals that vary widely in looks and behavior. Some have fins, others fur or feathers. Some are footless, while others have as many as one hundred feet. They will encounter animals that spin and animals that make their homes in a variety of places including caves, earth, and wood. Each chapter has questions to ponder and activities to do indoors and out.
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Table of Contents
1. Sugar
2. Milk and Animals That Feed It to Their Young
3. Seeds
4. Meat and Hunters
5. Hunters That Have Backbones
6. The Cotton Plant and Some of Its Relatives
7. Flax and Some Other Fiber Plants
8. Spinners of Silk
9. Fur Coats and Animals That Wear Them
10. Feathers and Animals That Wear Them
11. Caves and Dug-Outs
12. Buildings of Stone and Other Earthy Stuffs
13. Traveling Homes
14. Houses of Wood
15. Questions and Exercises
An Inside View...

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