Don Quixote of La Mancha
by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
adapted by Mabel F. Wheaton
Description: Widely recognized as the first novel in European literature, this edition is an adaptation of the work written in two parts in Spanish by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, translated by John Ormsby, and abridged and edited by Mabel F. Wharton, with dozens of footnotes to explain unfamiliar terms. Now younger students can enjoy the adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, his squire, featuring the crazy knight on his broken-down old plow-horse, in his rusty armor, his helmet mended with bits of green ribbon, and portly Sancho, faithful, grumbling when hungry, cheerful when fed, shrewd and talkative, jogging behind him on Dapple, his sturdy mule, "the light of his eyes."
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Table of Contents
Part I
1. Which treats of the character and pursuits of the famous gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha
2. Which treats of the first sally the ingenious Don Quixote made from home
3. Wherein is related the droll way in which Don Quixote had himself dubbed a knight
4. Of what happened to our knight when he left the inn
5. Of the second sally of our worthy knight Don Quixote of La Mancha
6. Of the good fortune which the valiant Don Quixote had in the terrible and undreamt-of adventure of the windmills, with other occurrences worthy to be fitly recorded
7. Of the pleasant discourse that passed between Don Quixote and his squire Sancho Panza, and of what befell them with certain goatherds
8. In which is related the unfortunate adventure that Don Quixote fell in with when he fell out with certain heartless Yanguesans
9. Of what happened to the ingenious gentleman in the inn which he took to be a castle
10. In which is related the discourse Sancho Panza held with his master, Don Quixote, together with other adventures worth relating
11. Of the shrewd discourse which Sancho held with his master, and of the adventure that befell him by night, together with other notable occurrences
12. Of the unexampled and unheard-of adventure which was achieved by the valiant Don Quixote of La Mancha with less peril than any ever achieved by any famous knight in the world
13. Which treats of the exalted adventure and rich prize of Mambrino’s helmet, together with other things that happened to our invincible knight
14. Which treats of the strange things that happened to the stout knight of La Mancha in the Sierra Morena, and of his imitation of the penance of Amadis of Gaul
15. In which are continued the refinements wherewith Don Quixote played the part of a lover in the Sierra Morena; The account of Sancho’s journey toward El Toboso; His meeting with the curate and barber from his own village and their scheme to go to Don Quixote
16. Which treats of the droll device and method adopted to extricate our lovestricken knight from the severe penance he had imposed upon himself
17. Of the delectable discussion between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, his squire, together with other incidents
18. Which treats of what befell Don Quixote’s party at the inn and of the heroic and prodigious battle he had with certain skins of red wine. In which chapter, also, the doubtful question of Mambrino’s helmet and the pack-saddle is finally settled
19. Of the strange manner in which Don Quixote of La Mancha was carried away enchanted, together with other remarkable incidents
Part II
1. Which treats of various interviews: first, of one which the curate and the barber had with Don Quixote; second, Sancho Panza with the niece and housekeeper; third, Don Quixote with Sancho Panza
2. Of the laughable conversation between Don Quixote, Sancho Panza and the bachelor, Samson Carrasco, in which Sancho gives satisfactory replies to the questions of Carrrasco
3. Of the shrewd and droll conversation between Sancho Panza and his wife, Theresa Panza, together with other very notable incidents; one of the most important chapters in the whole history
4. Wherein is related what befell Don Quixote on his way to see his lady Dulcinea del Toboso
5. Wherein is related the crafty device Sancho adopted to enchant the Lady Dulcinea, and other incidents as ludicrous as they are true
6. Of the strange adventure which the valiant Don Quixote had with the car or cart of “The Court of Death”
7. Of the strange adventure which befell the valiant Don Quixote with the bold knight of the mirrors, together with the sensible, original, and tranquil colloquy between the two squires
8. Wherein is continued the adventures of the knight of the grove; and who the knight of the mirrors and his squire were, is made known
9. Wherein is shown the furthest and highest point which the unexampled courage of Don Quixote could reach; together with the happily achieved adventure of the lions
10. In which is related the adventure of the enamored shepherd and an account is given of the wedding of Camacho the Rich together with the incident of Basilio the Poor
11. In which Camacho’s wedding is continued, with other delightful incidents
12. Wherein is set down the braying adventure, and the droll one of the puppetshowman, together with the memorable divinations of the divining ape
13. Wherein is continued the droll adventure of the puppet-showman, together with other things in truth right good
14. Wherein it is shown who Master Pedro and his ape were, together with the mishap Don Quixote had in the braying adventure, which he did not conclude as he would have liked or as he had expected
15. Of the famous adventure of the enchanted bark
16. Of Don Quixote’s adventure with a fair huntress
17. Which treats of many and great matters together with the delectable discourse which the duchess and her damsels held with Sancho Panza
18. Which relates how they learned the way in which they were to disenchant the peerless Dulcinea del Toboso, which is one of the rarest adventures in this book
19. Wherein is related the strange and undreamt-of adventure of the distressed countess trifaldi, together with a letter which Sancho Panza wrote to his wife, Teresa Panza
20. In which the trifaldi continues her marvelous memorable story together with matters relating this adventure and the arrival of Clavileño
21. Of the counsels which Don Quixote gave Sancho Panza before he set out to govern the island, together with other well-considered matters
22. How Sancho Panza was conducted to his government, how he took possession of his island and how he made a beginning in governing
23. Wherein is set forth what befell the page who carried the letter to Teresa Panza, Sancho Panza’s wife
24. Of the progress of Sancho Panza’s government together with Sancho’s letter to Don Quixote and Theresa Panza’s letter to the duchess
25. Of the troublous end and termination Sancho Panza’s government came to
26. Of what befell Sancho on the road, and other things that cannot be surpassed
27. Which treats of how Don Quixote took leave of the duke and how adventures came crowding on him in such numbers that they gave one another no breathing-time
28. Of what happened to Don Quixote on his way to Barcelona
29. Which deals with the adventure of the enchanted head
30. Treating of the adventure which gave Don Quixote more unhappiness than all that had hitherto befallen him
31. Of the resolution which Don Quixote formed to turn shepherd and to take to a life in the fields while the year for which he had given his word was running its course together with the bristly adventure that befell him
32. Of what passed between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza on the way to their village and how they reached there
33. Of the omens Don Quixote had as he entered his own village; how he fell sick, made his will, and died
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