Christmas in Legend and Story
by Elva S. Smith and Alice I. Hazeltine
Description: An exceptional collection of Christmas stories, legends, and poems, that have distinct literary merit, a spirit of reverence, and an appeal for children. Chosen from a wide variety of sources by a pair of children's librarians, the stories represent the work of many writers. The selections are arranged chronologically, beginning with the birth of the Christ Child.
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Table of Contents
1. "The Gracious Time"
2. The Adoration of the Shepherds
3. The Child Born at Bethlehem
4. As Joseph Was A-Walking
5. The Peaceful Night
6. The Christmas Silence
7. Neighbors of the Christ Night
8. Christmas Carol
9. A Christmas Hymn
10. The Song of a Shepherd-Boy at Bethlehem
11. The First Christmas Roses
12. The Little Gray Lamb
13. The Holy Night
14. The Star Bearer
15. The Visit of the Wise Men
16. The Three Kings
17. The Three Holy Kings
18. The Three Kings of Cologne
19. Babouscka
20. The Flight into Egypt
21. The Haughty Aspen
22. The Little Mud-Sparrows
23. The Children of the Wind and the Clan of Peace
24. The Child Jesus in the Garden
25. The Mystic Thorn
26. The Blooming of the White Thorn
27. Legend of St. Christopher
28. St. Christopher of the Gael
29. The Cross of the Dumb
30. The Christmas Song of Caedmon
31. Good King Wenceslas
32. The Christmas at Greccio: A Story of St. Francis
33. The Sin of the Prince Bishop
34. Earl Sigurd's Christmas Eve
35. A Christmas Legend
36. The Legend of the Christmas Rose
37. Felix
38. The Sabot of Little Wolff
39. The Little Friend
40. Where Love Is, There God Is Also
An Inside View...

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