Among the Forest People
by Clara Dillingham Pierson
Description: A charming series of nature stories for young children, including tales of red squirrels, great horned owls, rattlesnakes, and bats. No one can read these realistic conversations of the little creatures of the wood without being most tenderly drawn toward them. Within the context of each story children learn many interesting facts about the lives and habits of these little people of the forest.
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Table of Contents
1. Mr. Red Squirrel Comes To Live in the Forest
2. Why Mr. Great Horned Owl Hatched the Eggs
3. The Swaggering Crow
4. The Red-Headed Woodpecker Children
5. The Night Moth with a Crooked Feeler
6. The Bees and the Kingbird
7. The Story of the Cowbird's Egg
8. Mrs. Mourning Dove's Housekeeping
9. The Young Blue Jay Not Brave Enough To Be Afraid
10. The Red Squirrels Begin Housekeeping
11. The Biggest Little Rabbit Learns To See
12. The Little Bat Who Wouldn't Go to Bed
13. A Swarm Leaves the Bee Tree
14. The Haughty Ground Hog
15. The Undecided Rattlesnake
16. The Quarrelsome Mole
17. The Wild Turkeys Come
18. The Travellers Go South
19. The Ruffed Grouse's Story
20. A Mild Day in Winter
An Inside View...

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