Adrift on an Ice-Pan
by Wilfred Thomason Grenfell

Description: In Adrift on an Ice-Pan Wilfred Thomason Grenfell recounts a near death experience and the miraculous rescue that saved his life. The incident takes place in Labrador in 1908 as Dr. Grenfell sets out with his team of sled dogs to treat a medical emergency sixty miles south of his home. Traversing a stretch of frozen ice, Grenfell finds that it is not as solid as he had believed; suddenly stranded, the team floats helplessly on their ice-pan, surrounded by frigid water. Through quick-thinking by Grenfell and heroic efforts by his rescuers, Grenfell does make it off the ice-pan alive. Adrift on an Ice-Pan is a true story of faith, sacrifice, and survival.
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Table of Contents
1. Adrift on an Ice-Pan
2. The Rescuers' Story
An Inside View...

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